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Track Order
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Payment Confirmation
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How to Order

Thank You for Shopping at FATOOLS.com

This page will guide you to purchase our products. Please find the easy steps listed below.

Step 1 - Choose items you wish to Purchase

Choose our products based on the category you wish to purchase.

Step 2 – My Cart

Once you have found items to purchase, select your size and quantity and click ADD TO CART button. You can continue shopping by clicking CONTINUE SHOPPING button or proceed to order by clicking PROCESS ORDER button.

You can always come back to MY CART page to review the list of items you wish to purchase.

Step 3 – Shipping Address, Courier Service and Payment Method

Please fill in your detail information correctly. When finished, click SUBMIT button.

Step 4 – Order Confirmation

Please review and confirm your chosen items and click CONFIRM ORDER button.

You will then receive your ORDER NO., please keep this number for tracking your order.

If you wish to change your chosen product, please click EDIT YOUR CART button.

If you wish to change your account detail, payment method or shipping address, please click EDIT ACCOUNT/SHIPPING ADDRESS button.

Step 5 – Detail Payment Method

Please wait for our confirmation on the product availability via email or sms before made any payment. This should take no longer than 1 (one) working day.

Once we confirmed your order, you may proceed to make payment to our bank account (as detailed in order page) and please remember to state your ORDER NO.


Once you make the payment, please login to fatools.com and go to PAYMENT CONFIRMATION link on the top of the page. Then, change your payment confirmation status to PAID and click SUBMIT button. Please note if payment is not made within 2 days, your order will be cancelled.

Step 6 – Item Delivery

After we have confirmed and received your payment, we will deliver your purchase items to your shipping address using the courier services of your choice. You will be able to track your order status on the TRACK ORDER link on this site.

Should you require further explanation, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.